15.33km / 44:01 / 77m / 26.0°C
Continuing to play the game, an afternoon break and #coffeeneuring2024 ride number two. Drawing boxes around the suburbs to the south-west, boring assortment of not-so-minor roads. Kept my eye open along the way for a cafe that’s open and still serving coffees after 2-3pm which seems to be the default closing time for many of them. Found my target in Monet’s Grocer on Centre road. Another short macc., sipped while sitting at a table on the footpath. Annoyingly, served in a takeaway cup because nobody wants to do the washing up, but an OK sort of coffee, about a 7/10. Lots of interesting goodies in the shop, and a superabundance of halloween americanisms
Surprisingly warm out riding too, temperature hit 28°C on some of the more exposed sections of road
Overcast clouds, 23°C, Feels like 22°C, Humidity 44%, Wind 5m/s from NNW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps