12.68km / 38:01 / 71m / 19.0°C
Out into the afternoon sun hoping it was warmer than this morning and … made it to the end of the campus before I had to stop and put my vest on. Then off towards Scotchmans Creek trail, fighting the urge to suggest to the rider in front each time I caught him at a crossing that it might be a wise idea to ride on the left side of the path, not the right
Down the creek to East Malvern, up through the Urban forest to Murrumbeena, back along the Djerring trail to the beer
Just the one, a small tasty stout, the half hour relaxing almost spoilt by a near asthma attack as the addict nearby at an outside table sucked down on his vape and flooded the place with smoke. Mate, we can all see you hiding it in your hands, and we can all tell from the MASSIVE CLOUDS OF STINKING SMOKE BLOWING IN THE DOOR
Few clouds, 15°C, Feels like 14°C, Humidity 44%, Wind 1m/s from SE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps