@ Adrian Tritschler · Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024 · 1 minute read · Update at Oct 30, 2024 · Image Credit
11.83km / 37:44 / 84m / 15.0°C
Same as yesterday, same route, much the same ride. Quieter on the bike paths than in the morning, a bit less traffic on the roads but a bit more unpredictable. That long drawn out climb up Inkerman street is not something I’m used to on the #fixie!
Scattered clouds, 17°C, Feels like 16°C, Humidity 70%, Wind 2m/s from SSE - by Klimat
Vanity site? Technology experiment? Learning tool? Blog? Journal? Diary? Photo album? I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you…
I experiment. I play. I write and I take pictures. Some of the site is organised around topics, other parts are organized by date, then there’s always the cross-references between them.
Its all been here a fairly long time. Like the papers on my desk, or the books on the bedside table, the pile just grew… and it all grew without much plan or structure. I try not to break URLs, so historical oddities abound.
Long ago it started as a learning experiment with a few static HTML pages, then I added a bit of server-side includes and some very ugly PHP. A hand-built journal/blog on top of that PHP, then a few experiments in moving to various static publishing systems. I’ve never wanted a database-based blogging engine, so over the years I’ve tried PHP, nanoblogger, emacs-muse, silkpage and docbook before settling on Emacs Org mode for writing and jekyll for publishing. But the itch remained… I never really liked jekyll and the ruby underneath always seemed so much black magic. So now the latest incarnation is Org mode and hugo.