15.77km / 53:00 / 165m / 21.0°C
Taking an afternoon break while working at home, time outside before the evening’s work. Scotchman Creek trail upstream to Mount Waverley and up through Valley Reserve. The rain from earlier today has cleared up, but everything is damp and smells like the bush after a shower
Called in at a Vietnamese bakery in the shops for a #coffeeneuring #coffee – not the fanciest Vietnamese coffee I’ve had but pleasantly flavoured, and enjoyably cool on a warm afternoon
Then off down the Glen Waverley line bike path to Ashwood, fight my way across Waverley Road and home through Oakleigh
Overcast clouds, 17°C, Feels like 17°C, Humidity 62%, Wind 3m/s from SSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps