7.63km / 22:27 / 18m / 19.0°C
OK, OK, not really backwards, but the commute home in the reverse of the route I normally use to get to work. Down through campus and then the bike lane/bike path south to the railway and the Djerring trail. Then up the Djerring trail to Oakleigh and home
Emergency stop for the motorist ignoring the give-way sign on Browns road. Emergency stop for the motorist ignoring the give-way sign leaving the hospital car park. Emergency stop for the motorist ignoring the give-way sign on the Djerring trail at Link road. Can you spot the problem here?
Light rain, 18°C, Feels like 18°C, Humidity 93%, Wind 1m/s from WSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps