7.51km / 24:27 / 51m / 18.0°C
Not quite as warm or wet as yesterday, but very close
Amazingly, the overgrown bushes on the Djerring trail between Hughesdale and Oakleigh have been trimmed back, the railway crew must have been through, given that Monash council refuses to maintain the path or acknowledge that it was “handed over” at the end of the LXRA works. Definitely railway crew, the trees on the rail side of the fence alongside the lines have all been cut off at ground level, along with all bushes, but sadly, none of the blackberries
Overcast clouds, 17°C, Feels like 18°C, Humidity 95%, Wind 1m/s from NNW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps