7.72km / 26:32 / 22m / 30.0°C
The sun came out for this first time since Saturday, the temperature went up, the humidity stayed high and the sweat came with it. Left work early, off to an appointment then home via a cafe and a large, well received, iced coffee
Glaring sunlight bouncing off concrete and hazy clouds, steamy wet plants and soil, the cicadas all calling. Could have stayed and had another iced drink except the cafe shut, so onwards back up the Djerring trail to home … and a bit of a loop around the ‘burb to get a little extra distance in on a short commtue
Broken clouds, 24°C, Feels like 25°C, Humidity 71%, Wind 2m/s from SW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps