1.93km / 7:06 / 15m / 19.0°C
I’m not entirely sure why I keep recording these silly little rides, habit I guess
Bread, fish, and at least four really angry drivers, amazing for so early in the morning with so little traffic. Big ute man lost the plot with older big ute man who had got in, started up, then sat idling while he sorted out his shopping. HOW DARE YOU NOT LEAVE, I MUST PARK HERE! Next one followed me – too closely – up Portman street but couldn’t squeeze past, cut the corner to squeal left and right through the car park, then popped out in Chester street all of 2m ahead of me. Number three pulled up to within 20cm alongside inside the forward bike box, she got annoyed at me miming “give me a bit more room”, then leaned on the horn and shot past once the lights went green. Fourth and fifth were the close passes down Station street. Truly amazing
Light rain, 19°C, Feels like 19°C, Humidity 85%, Wind 0m/s from SE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps