17.67km / 49:58 / 86m / 12.0°C
Out for an hour on the Sunday afternoon, an ominously dark cloud was approaching from the South-West, and I met it head on somewhere down around South road. The air temperature dropped, then the rain started, pleasantly cool. Left turn and east towards Karkarook lake, popping out on Warrigal road just a bit too far south, so back up to the lights and a hook turn to get in to the lake … and what’s this on the road in front of me? Today’s #roadsidefind was a large pocket knife, open and driven over, but still quite workable. I’ll add it to the collection of knives wot I has found while out cycling
Then a half of the lake, back out to the north and up through Clarinda and the bush track in Oakleigh south, and home along the rail line
Broken clouds, 24°C, Feels like 24°C, Humidity 56%, Wind 2m/s from WSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps