60.09km / 3:01:59 / 356m / 29.0°C
Yesterday I was out near here and it gave me an idea for the ride, I’d also seen a route on RideWithGps that I wanted to try out. Somehow I failed to load the ride from the website to my Garmin, so just headed out that way and crossed my fingers. Google maps got me from Dandenong out to Lysterfield through an interesting and mostly direct set of backstreets, only throwing me out into ugly traffic routes once or twice. I got to see some huge mansions too
Then a bit of mountain biking track, and a bit of gravel road and I was around at the lake which was very busy today. BBQs, people swimming, people running, walking and riding. Off along the lake loop and a bit of a blue track through the bush around the lake, then up to the Hallam car park and out of the park. Google again directed me on a mostly OK route back to Dandenong and the Djerring trail – with the notable exception of sending me down Heatherton road, no shoulder, multi-lanes of traffic, big utes and SUVs and zero passing distance given. Soon as I could I escaped onto the Dandenong creek trail, then off through suburban side roads and eventually got back to the showground and the end of the Djerring trail for the 15km back home
No, Klimat app, it was not 20°C and it did not “feel like” 19°C! Temperature was in the low to mid 30s, over 34°C when I got home, so I’ve no idea how it made up its weather guesses today
Clear sky, 20°C, Feels like 19°C, Humidity 61%, Wind 1m/s from SE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps