19.40km / 1:00:06 / 94m / 14.0°C
Out for a spin before breakfast, maybe find a coffee …
Up the hill to quarry, nothing much there except a pair of suspiciously shiny mag wheels, I suspect stolen and dumped
Then back down the Sutton road to Bungendore and around a few randomly chosen streets, some of the old parts, some of the new. No sign of any open cafes, one tantalizing sight in the distance of two dog-walkers carrying takeaway cups but it was too hard to turn around and catch them. Gave up my half-hearted coffee hunt and turned for home, back up to Lake road and home for breakfast
Clear sky, 13°C, Feels like 13°C, Humidity 85%, Wind 0m/s from WSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps