21.93km / 1:12:42 / 149m / 29.0°C
Lovely little afternoon ride, apart fro the last 100m as i was almost taken out by an off-leash snappy yapper racing in for the pedals. Owner look stunned at my use of outside voice to suggest she put it on a leash … just like the sign she was standing next to told her
I even got to ride along the new bike path in Caulfield along Queens parade, despite the doomsayers squealing, it hasn’t resulted in the total destruction of every tree along here, although it has removed their precious car parks on the public street, which is probably what they were more concerned about. Connection to the Djerring trail could be greatly improved, but the path itself is fairly good
Clear sky, 26°C, Feels like 25°C, Humidity 44%, Wind 1m/s from SSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps