59.19km / 3:44:00 / 1189m / 22.0°C
A big afternoon out, riding up the Erskine Falls road is hard enough, then there’s the dirt road climb from the falls up to the Benwerrin road. Along the ridge it rises and falls, corrugations and gravel, faster and slower sections. Always seems to take longer than I expect to get to the Wye River road and the turn off into the forest – ah, tourists have been here, someone has done a large poo at the side of the road and left it sitting there festooned with toilet paper. A surprising amount of traffic, make that three large 4WDs in one group and two in another, a fresh dead snake, wallabies hopping off into the bush and plenty of parrots. Thoroughly enjoyable, and finally out onto the GOR. The tarmac feels much easier in comparison, and a leisurely ride back the last 15km to Lorne
Clear sky, 19°C, Feels like 19°C, Humidity 55%, Wind 3m/s from ESE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps