57.59km / 3:04:32 / 680m / 25.0°C
Strong south easterly, deep loose gravel, lots of corrugations. Slow going. Blissfully comfy on the train back to Melbourne
The endless roar of close passing traffic on the GOR turns me off the ride at times, I’ve no idea what percentage come too close, but it’s noticeable enough, especially the “Gouge” truck 8th or 9th in a queue of cars that all pulled out, but he didn’t and literally sent me off the road into the ditch – no, there was no oncoming traffic, he just couldn’t be arsed moving out or couldn’t control his truck and came over the edge line and well onto the shoulder as he got level
Turning off after the chocolaterie is bliss, even if it is a very corrugated and teeth shaking kind of bliss. There’s hardly any traffic, it possibly takes a little longer than the more obvious route, but it’s enjoyable
Few clouds, 18°C, Feels like 18°C, Humidity 70%, Wind 7m/s from SE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps