22.61km / 1:08:01 / 104m / 32.0°C
An after-work ride, down to Karkarook lake for a lap around the lake then around the gravelly block. Lots of birdlife, little traffic, just how I like it. Then back up north towards Huntingdale with thoughts of dropping in at Kaiju for a beer … except Kaiju is closed for a month. Back up through Oakleigh and Hughesdale and a tasty pint with Baron P. Oath, then back home to see if I can work out whether I’ve expended or ingested more calories
Bike lane on Huntingdale road on the way back is a joke, the first section is completely full of parked cars and trucks for the apartment block on the corner with Centre road, then it’s a mix of fly-tipped garbage and building rubble or potholes and loose gravel all the way up to North road. Of course two or three overly close passes because “Why you not use perfectly good bike lane?”
Overcast clouds, 27°C, Feels like 27°C, Humidity 37%, Wind 7m/s from SSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps