57.47km / 3:10:27 / 634m / 22.0°C
A slight variation on a ride I’ve done a few times before; catch the train down to Waurn Ponds, then ride to Lorne to join the family. The usual route is south to Bellbrae, then follow the GOR around the coast to Lorne. Today’s variation was firstly avoiding the Anglesea road to Bellbrae by taking Gazepore road as far as possible – traffic free, but oh so corrugated in parts! Second and major change was turning off inland at Coalmine road just before Anglesea and taking dirt roads and back roads from there through to Aireys Inlet. Some very steep climbs, some corrugations, some lovely quiet roads through the bush and a locked gate intended to stop through traffic – although you were allowed access on either side of it. Absolutely fantastic views back from east over Anglesea to north over rolling hills and bushland, and the open coalmine
Much the same time overall to get to Lorne, but a bit more of a tiring adventure
Broken clouds, 27°C, Feels like 27°C, Humidity 58%, Wind 5m/s from SSE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps