9.67km / 29:15 / 32m / 29.0°C
Back home along the creek path, with results of the recent weather apparent. The hot days have lead to masses of dried up gum leaves and bark that’s fallen on the track, all crunchy underfoot … or under-wheel. Torrential rains have washed out the sand and gravel from footpaths and footings and left their usual mix of hazards … especially that bit on the uphill corner where I’ve nearly slid off into the bushes a few times
There was a train stopped, idle, blocking the level crossing. Do I wait or do I go around? The shortest way around is back to Oakleigh, which never feels quite right. Too impatient, off I went to Hughesdale, passing under the lines just as the train went by overhead. Oh well, the extra 2km doesn’t really matter
Broken clouds, 25°C, Feels like 25°C, Humidity 54%, Wind 4m/s from SSW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps