15.14km / 51:44 / 78m / 37.0°C
A leisurely outing after a busy afternoon at LEGO Brickvention in the city. Down south to Karkarook lake for a lap, dropping off some fresh basil to a friend along the way. Hardly any traffic on a Sunday afternoon so I rode some of the way on Warrigal road – cannot recommend it, even with that level of traffic the drivers are pricks and will close pass rather than cross into the adjacent lane
Noticeably cooler on the ride around the north side of the lake to the south, the breeze over the water cools off wonderfully. Meandered around in the tiny tracks through the ti-tree and bush, then turned north and headed for home
Broken clouds, 34°C, Feels like 32°C, Humidity 21%, Wind 3m/s from S - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps