7.67km / 23:22 / 54m / 22.0°C
Oh yay, first real #roadrage of the year
Dear Ford Ranger driver. Kanooka grove, the road is only this wide. At the building site here there is a parked van on the left, and a row of parked utes on the right. There is room for one vehicle between them. Blasting on the horn and screaming abuse will not make your big orange Ranger fit, not with a legal 1m passing distance, so you’ll just have to wait. Choosing to then pull alongside me later and scream more abuse will only make you even later to your worksite … one house up the street … at the building site whose parked vehicles are the cause of the congestion
Kanooka Grove, Clayton, a “signed bicycle route” with lovely, if ineffectual, sharrows painted
Overcast clouds, 20°C, Feels like 20°C, Humidity 56%, Wind 1m/s from SE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps