53.91km / 2:58:23 / 243m / 27.0°C
Bright to Harrietville and back with friends and family, riding along the bike path the whole way – somewhat misnamed as a “rail trail” even though there never was a rail line, but probably to tie in with the rest of the trail from Wangaratta to Bright
Lovely twisty trail through the bush, crunchy bark down over the path in many places. One sudden stop when the riders in front of us saw a Tiger snake crossing the trail and stopped to let it pass, otherwise uneventful. Previous stops in Harrietville had been at the coffee caravan, today we went on a little further to the bakery only to find that they only took cash, no cards. I cemented my role as saviour by having sufficient funds for coffees and pastries for six!
The ride back was along the same route, very slightly downhill although a bit of a headwind had picked up and was blowing up the valley, making it overall slightly slower. We stopped for a ten minute rest by the river at one of the many access paths as some were getting tired, skipped stones, splashed about a bit, then rode back to Bright. All up a very enjoyable ride
Overcast clouds, 24°C, Feels like 23°C, Humidity 39%, Wind 2m/s from N - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps