32.04km / 1:56:27 / 361m / 31.0°C
A hot and windy aftenoon ride, down to Jells park and up the creek a ways, then back via Glen Waverley and the trail alongside the railway line. Ended up on some twisty single track through overgrown bush along the creek in Shepherds Bush, and over a rickety old boardwalk, I don’t think I’ve been here before!
Two surprises on the way back; firstly that the Lunar New Year festival was underway in Glen Waverley, so I got to hang around and watch dancing and sword displays, the other was that as part of the festivities a Tait heritage train was running shuttles up and down the Glen Waverley line
Scattered clouds, 23°C, Feels like 23°C, Humidity 57%, Wind 8m/s from SE - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps