So far I’ve used the following cameras (reverse chronological order):
Samsung Galaxy S10
The two year replacement stretched out to nearly three… again… but the S8 was replaced by an S10 and as usual we got the S10 just after the next model had been released and made it to all the stores. I suspect the corporate procurement uses up the old models, but at no cost to me it does just fine for what I want!
Samsung Galaxy S8
The two year replacement cycle of the S6 ground on… and on. The renogiation of the contract meant that instead of the S6 being replaced in May 2017, it dragged on until Feb 2018. But now I have a Galaxy S8, almost indistinguishable from the S6 to my eye.
Samsung Galaxy S6
The wheels of the bureaucracy ground on, and so after a specified passage of time, the S3 was replaced by an S6
Samsung Galaxy S3
For reasons involving a high degree of bureaucratic financing, all the phones at work were replaced with new ones in order to save us money. I had the choice of an iPhone 5 or the S3 and thought it time for a change. Once again, it’s the camera I have on me most of the time, and with the steady marching of Moore’s law, the image quality just keeps getting better.
iPhone 4
Courtesy of my employer, just like the Nokia. Like many people it ended up replacing the point-and-shoot for many of my photographs simply because it was what I had on me at the time.
Nokia 6233
Ugh, a camera-phone. Not even really a “camera-phone”, but a phone with a camera in it. Sometimes its the only thing I’ve got on me and as a result I’ll take a photo with it. Sometimes I take a photo with it just to see whether I can coerce it into taking half-way decent photos.
Canon Digital IXUS 700
A combination of the slow speed of the IXUS 300, and the loss of its zoom buttons due to a bicycle crash had me thinking of a new camera. This was compounded by a severe case of camera envy when my uncle visited with a 700. Smaller, much faster, lighter and probably a bit more expensive. Again I’ve enjoyed the latest IXUS, but unfortunately a jammed lens mechanism and the service I’ve got from Canon Australia have left a bad taste and I’ll be wary of the brand from now on.
It may have taken its last photo. As of
at school camp with a young boy, the LCD screen has been shattered and although it still takes photos, I suspect we won’t use it much any more.Canon Digital IXUS 300
A combination of the cost of running the Elph, but the love of its size, resulted in me purchasing this digital camera. The IXUS 300 is a few millimetres thicker than the Elph, but just manages to squeeze into the carry case and will fit inside a pocket. Now I’ve got no excuse for the quality of the photo scans, its all up to the .
Canon Elph
I love it, at last a camera that’s small enough that I actually carry it around! Despite the lies of the salesman, the APS film is expensive (about $AU10 a roll of 25), as is the processing (about 50c per print). If I can get access to an APS film scanner I could get much better quality scans, until then I’m relying on the photo scanner at work.
Assorted Disposable 35mm
For the use I make of them, these are nearly ideal. They’re cheap, take reasonable photos, and I don’t have to worry about accidently destroying the camera by taking it swimming or camping.
35mm Compact*
Not small enough, so it spent most of it’s life sitting at home on the bookshelf. Eventually I had it with me when I crashed my mountain bike into a river, it wasn’t waterproof and so it died. A friend hauled me out, called an ambulance and so I didn’t.
Fujica SLR
Probably a cheap SLR, I can’t remember. I bought it when I was 16 and going overseas. It lasted about 10 years and then stopped cocking the shutter. When I tried to get it fixed I was quoted more money to just examine it than I’d paid to buy it!
Last update –