I broke it, I'll fix it….
Please stand by…
Copies of photos I’ve taken, mostly just snap-shot quality, but some are worse! Here they are organised by which roll of film or date-based upload they are on, elsewhere they are used on other pages. The folder titles are loosely related to the contents, I had a habit of taking photos so infrequently that film-based rolls lasted for ages, so the title of a roll of film might apply to some or all of the contents.
Its all undergoing a bit of a restructure. Initially I had folders of all the photos from a roll of film, then when I started using a digital camera I was loading photos in here in folders that corresponded to the date I emptied the camera. Completely arbitrary, so as of about December 2004 I started splitting the photos up by the day that I took them, and linking them into each day in the journal. So I haven’t stopped taking photos — I’m just putting them somewhere else. They’re all tagged to varying degrees of accuracy; time, date, location, contents — I’ll add in some searching here one day… and along the way I promise not to break any existing links.
June 2006 and it was still all a mess. It wasn’t just me that noticed the mess, I was asked whether I still put my photos here, and why were they so hard to find. That’s it then! Definitely time for a rethink.
While I fiddle about here, I also keep some of my photos on Flickr — because everyone has photos on Flickr, some on Fotothing — because I fell in touch with Fotothing’s developer while finding out about annotating photos, and some on Fotonomy.
When I get it all written and working, you’ll be able to look at photos individually — but that’s easy — or by album or collection, and hopefully by who or what is in them, or when or where they were taken.