dst. (km) Today 0.0 Trip 605.8
Last night I went out to dinner with three English girls who have just come to Cáceres to study Spanish for a year. We had a magnificent meal and then went out for a few beers in a nearby bar. One of the barmen was trying to pick up two of the girls and the drinks just seemed to get cheaper and cheaper, and larger and larger as the night progressed… I didn’t get back to the pensiôn until around 2.30 am, and today I’m feeling as sick as a dog….
The combination of beer, wine, spirits, sunstroke, seafood and ’s bike accident all combined in a horrendous way, I was copiously sick several times through the night…
Hiding from the light and recovering, I stayed in bed until 5 pm and only then managed to drag myself out for a shower and to walk up the street for a sandwich. I was back in bed by 8.30 pm! So much for the intention of getting the broken spoke fixed.
To top it all off, I’ve spent the day getting cramps in my thigh where I fell on it, I guess I’ve done some damage to the muscles…
At least I’m doing slightly better than the three girls, when they crawled out late in the afternoon to find that their car had been towed away, since they’d left it parked in the plaza after 8 am! They were trying to explain to the police that their car had been stolen while the policeman was trying to explain that it had been towed away and impounded.