There’s only one problem with staying up until 2 am watching the Tour de France, and that is getting up the next morning and going to work, especially when the radio informs you that its a pleasant 3.4 °C outside. All thoughts of cycling disappeared, a strong coffee and smoke-emitting toast helped me on my way.
Lunch time today and I sent off an email to one of the other guys from the France tour last year, wondering whether he’d stayed up last night to watch the stage. Five minutes later I got a reply, but it wasn’t a reply, he’d decided to send an email on much the same subject at the same time!
Then in a fit of race-induced enthusiasm I finally got around to entering Round the Bay in a Day — I guess I’d better get off my lazy backside and start riding my bike now! Not going to join the other Monash staff in their ’team’, I’ll just do it my own way and let David and whoever he talks into it do it theirs.