stats Distance 43.47km Average speed 23.8km/hr
Spring weather again; albeit with a strong northerly wind. Off for a lazy ride around and around, exploring a few places I haven’t visited for a while. Up along the bike trail to Carnegie, lost through the back streets to Caulfield, head north up Glenferrie road, zigzag through Toorak, down to Richmond, nosiness sends me up the street where I lived for five years. Westwards into the city, sit at Federation Square for a while and watch the world go past, then off down St Kilda road to St Kilda and Elwood, before turning left back towards Oakleigh.
Glen Huntly road heading home, an idiot in a bright yellow Porsche decides to throw the car door fully open in front of me. I see it in time and merely yell, he screams abuse back and threatens “I bloody run a you down.” Shake my head as I continue on, its amazing the beliefs held by some of the people on our roads… A suburb or so later I’m passing a stationary line of cars, queued up all the way back from the rail crossing at Ormond station, as I draw level with one car the driver pulls out, turning left straight across my path into the car-park. The indicator is turned on as he does it but there’s no hope of stopping in time, he hasn’t looked first. I yell, brake, and crunch hard into the side of the car. The windows are open and the driver almost has a heart attack. Luckily the only damage to me is a friction burn on my elbow where I slid along the car. Seems that dozens of passers by want to know if I’m alright — I’m just annoyed. Annoyed that I didn’t see him in time, annoyed that I didn’t guess that he would turn straight across me without looking. The driver is very shaken and apologetic, he claims he saw me, claims he indicated, just claims he didn’t realise I was so close. Maybe he’ll check a little more carefully next time. “Cyclists in mirror are closer than they appear.”