The house next door is finally going, the inexorable pressure of the developers. Executive summary is to bulldoze the old house and build two, two-storey town houses on the block. Flatten the garden and cover what’s left with concrete car-parking. Our objections to council of a two-storey townhouse looking straight down into our garden overruled, not even acknowledged in the planning approval that we received once the ruling was made. Last night we came home to realise that pieces of the house are starting to go; a hole where the air-conditioner was, boards missing near the roof, what will happen over the weekend?
How will the building affect us? How will the building affect us?
Both noun and verb, I’m not looking forward to three months’ worth of being woken up at 6 am by builders crashing about, not sure what the final appearance of the two houses will be, just how intrusive they’ll appear from our garden….