For the first day of semester it was amazingly uneventful; the mass of bods queued up for the bus at Huntingdale station delayed the bus for so long that I’d made it the entire way to Monash uni without being caught and buzzed by a number 900 “smart bus”
One brief hair-raising moment came in the car-parks of the uni; the self-important security staff standing in the middle of the roads “guiding” traffic, telling people who wanted to turn left to turn left, telling people who wanted to go straight ahead to… um, go straight ahead. Unfortunately one of these geniuses told someone driving towards me to turn right straight across my path, then spun around and laughed as I slid to a stop to avoid going over the bonnet. A little traffic management training would be helpful guys…
Looking forward to my first encounter with “new student in shiny car going wrong way round ring road,” it happens each year, somewhere before week 3…
Worst part of the day was the coffee machine — nearly three months old and its out of action again. Couldn’t possibly be due to the rather haphazard weekly cleaning its been subjected to, could it?