Only a week or so since we were at Lorne where I’d read in one of the newspapers an article about the millions and millions of dollars that Australians lose each year to various scams, then today at mum & dad’s house we got to experience one first hand! Not just that, but it was almost word-for-word as laid out in the newspaper. Supposed tradesmen offering goods and services “on the cheap,” as two blokes turn up in a ute with a barrel of tar in the back and a couple of magnetic signs over the doors to hide the rental company name and say “we’ve been doing some work ‘up on the highway’ and the boss has asked us to get rid of the left over tar, we can resurface your driveway for a good price if you like…“
Um, nah. Nearest highway is around 10km away in the direction you were pointing so you’d have passed several hundred houses to get here.